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Nadiyah Najah

Nadiyah Najah Oyawoye Dorsey-Windsong (better known as Diyah Najah) is an American artist born in Chicago, IL in 1976. Diyah Najah spent formative years in New Jersey and New York, prior to relocating to Atlanta, GA, where they currently live and work as a full-time artist who also publicly speaks on disability advocacy and teaches creative workshops. In her work, Diyah Najah strives to personify her experience as a neurodivergent person, and the impact her neurodivergence has on her life and in society as a whole. In dialogue with her neurodiversity, the works exemplify her culturally rich community upbringing, African and Indigenous centered spiritual traditions, the healing aspects of nature through grounding and gardening, and her intuitive observations of people and our environments, paired with a keenness for pattern recognition. 

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Nadiyah Najah